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Reception Aut 1 Week 2
Miss Skelton - 15 Sep 2022
This week in reception the children have continued to explore both classrooms and the garden. They have been busy making lots of friends and have really enjoyed having both classes in together!
We have been singing lots of nursery rhymes including 5 current buns in a baker shop! We decorated our very own biscuits which all the children were very excited about. We have read Giraffes can’t dance by Giles Andrea and painted some lovely pictures of giraffes. We have also read The Flying Bath by Julia Donaldson and had fun washing dolls.
The children had their first PE session which went amazing and we are glad they all enjoyed it so much! We are very proud of all the children for settling in so well and completing their first full two days!
We are very excited for next week.
Please remember that no blueberries are allowed due to an allergy and ensure that all clothing items are labelled. It would be very helpful if you could bring in a set of spare clothes for your child incase of an accident.