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Year 2 Summer Week 2
14 Jun 2022
This week in Year 2 we have been learning to measure in cm and m. The children have also been practicing drawing lines to the nearest cm using a ruler. We are now moving onto our next unit of work, which is position and direction. The children are learning how to describe turns and movement using language such as 1/2 turn. 1/4 turn and 3/4 turn.
This week in English we have continued looking at the biography of Eugenie Clark and used it to write persuasively about caring for sharks in the ocean. The children have thought of good ways to convince people to care for these creatures and have written persuasive leaflets.
In Science we started a new unit of learning all about plants. The children learned about what a plant needs to be able to thrive. The children have also enjoyed watching the seeds they planted begin to sprout! This week in R.E. we are started a new unit learning about Islam. We are learning about Allah and his creations, as well as the Prophet Mohammad.