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A Message From Miss West

30 Mar 2022

Hi all,

I just wanted to write a message to you all before the Easter break begins. I have missed being in class with the children this half term, and I am very much looking forward to seeing them all again!

I have been in contact with Miss Hopkins and other adults in the school, who have let me know just how hard Year 2 have worked this half term, as they always do, and the supply teachers have really enjoyed their time with our lovely class.

I wanted to let you know more about the SATs, as I'm sure many of you have questions and ordinarily I would be sending information out before Easter. I would firstly like to start by saying please do not panic, or let your child panic, about the SATs. The children are aware that they will need to sit some assessments in Year 2, however it is made as informal as possible and is absolutely not going to be carried out in a way that should worry your child. The assessments will be administered towards the end of the next half term in small groups.

As I explained at the last parents meetings, the current Year 2 cohort have missed out on so much due to the pandemic over the past 2 years and are all making their own progress as individuals. The assessment results from the most recent assessment week will be discussed at the parent meetings after Easter, however please note that the actual SATs are NOT the only way your child is assessed this year, as teacher judgement remains the most important factor at the end of the year.

Revision Materials

That being said, if you are interested in supporting your child in the run up to the KS1 SATs, below are some activities that will be useful to you. There is no expectation for this to be completed over the Easter break, as there is an awful lot there! The documents themselves are fairly long, so you may want to look at the contents page and skip to parts of the curriculum you know your child finds tricky (I can help you with this at parents evening). I tried to source activities that have examples of how to help your child, as many of you expressed how much maths has changed since you have been at school yourselves, and sometimes are concerned you might be teaching your child a method we do not use in school. I will leave these documents up until the end of the next half term for you to dip in and out of.

Reading Revision

The below document explains the different domains (skills) for reading and some activities for you and your child:


Maths Revision

Below are documents to help support your child in both the Arithmetic and Reasoning aspects of the SATs:



  -reasoning answers.pdf-  

White Rose Maths also have a great new arithmetic app that is in line with our maths scheme of work. It is called 1 minute maths and you can download/learn more about the app here:

I hope that this update has helped you understand ways in which you can support your child at home with the learning and the upcoming KS1 assessments. I will leave the comments open below. If you have any questions, pop them below and I can discuss more with you in our parents meeting after Easter. Please remember that these documents are just to aid you in supporting your child, not to make them feel anxious or overwhelmed about the SATs. 

I hope you all have a fantastic Easter break, and I am looking forward to seeing you all once again and being back in class.

Miss West :)

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