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Last week of the half term
17 Oct 2019
Hello everyone, I cannot believe it is the last week of the first half term already! It has been lovely to get to know all of the children in Year 2 over the past 7 weeks.
In Literacy this week we have been focusing on narrative writing. We enjoyed watching a clip called Bubbles and the children used this as their focus. The children wrote about what it would be like to dive under water in a huge bubble! Some children even managed to catch fish and stroke a whale! We also did some art related to this, learning how to draw a picture starting with the background then adding in more detail.
In Maths this week the focus has been geometry. The children have been learning names of 2D shapes and describing their properties. They have also looked at how we can see whether or not shapes and pictures are symmetrical.
The children do not have specific spellings to learn over the half term. The first friday back we will have a test using a random selection of the words learned over this half term. Your child can prepare for this by practising any spellings they have previously found tricky in their spelling tests.
I hope you all have a lovely half term!