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This week in Year 2
04 Oct 2019
I would like to start by saying a big thank you to all of the parents who were able to attend our shared learning. It was lovely to meet the parents of children and the children loved blowing colourful bubbles with you! We hope you enjoyed it too!
In Literacy this week we have started a poetry unit. The children have read the poem 'The Sound Collector' and have been working towards writing their own poem called 'The Taste Collector;. The children had the chance to taste lots of different foods and learn new vocabulary to describe it. We used this learning in our poems!
The children have been working hard at their addition and subtraction this week. Please make sure your child is using Timestable Rockstars and Numbots to improve their fluency in counting and in times tables.
This week we have been looking at the work of Carl Warner and using fruit to create our own landscape collages. In Science we investigated different materials and how their shape can be changed in different ways.