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Welcome to Year 2
19 Sep 2019
Hello everyone! My apologies that this is the first post of the year - the website would not let me on!
Miss Hopkins and I have had a wonderful two and a half weeks getting to know our lovely Year 2s, and what a couple of weeks they have had! Keep reading to see what we have been up to.
In Literacy we have been basing our writing around the Gingerbread Man. We retold the stories verbally and in writing. From this we have been thinking about characters and settings we could use in our own traditional tales. The children have been working hard to use expanded noun phrases and conjunctions in their writing. I have been so impressed with their wonderful writing so far,
In Maths, the children have been working hard at counting in 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s. Please count in these steps with your child whenever possible to keep it fresh in their mind! The children have also been working on place value. They have been learning the value of 2 digit numbers and how to compare and order these
As you are probably aware by now, our topic this term is Muck, Mess and Mixtures! We had fantastic fun creating messy mixtures such as slime and making solutions to blow the biggest bubbles possible! In Science we have been learning about materials and their uses. The children had a walk in their local area to see if they could see these being used for larger structures.
I hope to see as many of you as possible for our shared learning next Friday! Have a lovely weekend.
Miss West