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Once upon a time

21 Jan 2017


 It has been fantastic to see how much the children have progressed with their writing this week.We are using the themes of traditional stories and adding our own characters and endings. I have seen adventurous adverbs, amazing adjectives, vivid verbs, super speech, perfect punctuation, confident conjunctions and contractions and spectacular spellings. Handwriting has been great too with children attempting to join their letters now.
In Science we explored the properties of materials inside and outside our school. We are learning some new vocabulary-transparent,opaque,flexible  and brittle.
​In maths we have been working on time and 5 minute intervals. I set the children  the challenge to tell me the time throughout the day and they have been very keen to tell me, especially when it is playtime!
​To develop their skills and techniques in art ,we are exploring famous artists. This week we looked at Gustav Klimt and we produced some very careful versions of the tree of life.  Well done in particular  to Ryan, Jessica,Tore,Kiera,John,Tadas and Joban.

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