Miss Pillai - 21 Mar 2025
Well done year 4 for completing assessment week.
In English, we have started our new topic of fact files. The children have looked a WAGOLL example, learnt how to use determiners and subordinating conjunctions in their writing.
In shared reading, we have continued reading the lion, the witch and the wardrobe. We have used our retrieval skills to draw a picture of Aslan on the stone table and they have completed assessment style questions about the pages they have read.
In geography, the children were organised into pairs and each given an atlas. They used this atlas to locate examples of World Rivers and complete a worksheet to show their understanding. They also chose one world rover, which they had to research and complete a fact file about using Chromebooks.
In R.E, we have discussed the questions: ‘what is kosher? Why do Jewish people keep kosher? How and why do Christians celebrate Easter? How do Jewish people remember the story of Exodus? Why is Pesach important for Jews? We have a lovely discussion about these questions and children were then given picture cards and move to either side of the class to say whether it is kosher or not.
In maths, we have continued with our fractions topic looking at subtraction fractions form the whole amount and subtracting two fractions.
The children also had a road safety workshop on Friday, they had lots of fun learning about how to keep safe on the road.
We were also very lucky to have a conductive music workshop planned for us. The children were able to experiment with technology to create music. They were given wires which plugged into the Chromebook and they were able to them use it as touch pads to explore how to create different sounds.
As always, please continue to read and play on TTRS for 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Have a lovely weekend.