Miss Pillai - 14 Mar 2025
Well done year 4 for completing another week!
In shared reading this week, we have continued reading the lion, the witch and the wardrobe. We have practiced our prediction and vocabulary skills and answered assessment style questions.
In English, we have finished our instructions text topic and finished our final draft. Next week, we will start looking through fact files and skills needed to write a fact file.
In maths, we have continued our maths topic fractions. The children have learnt how to add fractions and mixed numbers together and equivalent fraction families.
In DT this week, we have finished our DT topic ‘functional and fancy fabrics. The children have created a beautiful piece of fabric using their sewing and printing skills.
In R.E, we have started our new topic where we learnt about Judaism. Children learnt about ‘Shema’ and the Ten Commandments We discussed words that are most important for our class to remember (school/ British values), we then wrote these on a bookmark to be used daily for a week. We will then reflect about how these words made them feel in the next lesson.
In science, we have continued withour electricity topic. The children made a circuit with a switch in and investigate where the switch goes in the circuit and if this matter. They used different conductive materials to create their switch.
Just a reminder, it is assessment week next week. We have also sent home the trip letters for The river walk, please bring those signed and back in by the end of next week.
As always, please continue to read and play on TTRS for 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Have a lovely weekend.
Please find spelling attached:
-Spelling Lists-V448125880.pdf-
Mrs Wall's spelling group:
-Spelling Lists-V448125819.pdf-