W.B 10.03.25 -14.03.25
14 Mar 2025
This week, the children have enjoyed reading Zog and have been thinking of adjectives to describe his appearance and personality. They have explored the features of a character description and will be writing their own character descriptions next week. It has been wonderful seeing them use their imaginations and develop their descriptive language! Additionally, we have been learning about apostrophes for possession, and the children have practiced using them to show ownership.
In Maths, we have been working on multiplication and division, focusing on the 10 and 2 times tables. The children have been practicing solving problems and learning strategies to make multiplication and division easier. Keep practicing at home to help reinforce these important skills!
In Science, we have been investigating the properties of different materials and considering which materials are most appropriate for various objects. The children have enjoyed comparing materials and discussing their uses. We have also had fun exploring the shapes, forms, and colours of flowers in art, which has sparked lots of creativity!
Please book your parental consultation
Parental consultations - 26th March (INSET day - school closed)