RS Spr 2 Week 3
12 Mar 2025
This week we have really enjoyed reading The 3 Billy Goats Gruff. Our main focus in relation to this story has been learning about and creating bridges using lots of different materials including art straws, big construction waffles, soft play, wooden blocks and duplo.
Later in the week, children will be learning about famous bridges around the world. They will also be attempting to write a simple sentences about a setting as we are trying hard to improve our sentence writing and sounding out words.
In maths we have learnt the names and some basic properties of 3D shapes and relating these to everyday objects. We went on a 3D shape hunt around the school which was fun!
Please don't forget to book your parental consultation appointments online through the email link that was sent. School will be closed to children on this day- 26th March 2025.
The Reception Team x