W.B 3.3.25 - 7.3.25
07 Mar 2025
Well done year 2! We had an amazing trip to Colchester Castle, and the Year 2 team is incredibly proud of everyone for their outstanding behaviour.
This week the children have continued working towards writing their recounts. They have learnt about features of a recount and had a go at writing their own exclamation sentences and they were very good at recognising that they must start with ‘what’ or ‘how’ and end with an exclamation mark. Next week they will write their recount of their trip to Colchester Castle.
In Maths, the children have been learning how to solve division equations. They have looked at two different methods - grouping and sharing. We have also learnt about doubling and halving this week. Remember to practice your times tables at home as this would help in maths in the next couple of weeks when we look at our 2s, 5s and 10 times tables.
In science, we have been exploring materials. We had a great time going on a material hunt around the school, discovering different materials, and identifying their uses. Maybe you could try searching around your home to see if you can find even more materials.
We also celebrated World Book Day this week, the children looked amazing in their costumes and we had a fun day reading books like Rapunzel, completing book reviews and creating reading rivers together.