Miss Pillai - 28 Feb 2025
Well done year 4 for completing your first week back! We have had a very fun and busy week!
In science this week, we have had an exciting workshop to begin our science topic of electricity this half term. The children were given snap circuits to show the different effects of electricity can have. They used a workbook to keep a track of their findings and thoroughly enjoyed the visit.
In Geography, we have started our new topic misty mountains, winding rivers. We started our first lesson learning different parts of a river and definitions of these parts. We completed a sheet that includes all the keywords that they will need for this topic.
In maths this week, we have started our new topic fractions. The children have learnt how to: Understand the whole, how to partition a mixed number, how to put mixed numbers on a number line. Fractions is a difficult topic but the children have done really well this week!
In English, we have started our new topic instructions texts. The children have analysed a WAGOLL and recapped their knowledge of adverbs to use in their final write.
In DT, we are continuing without topic functional and fancy fabrics. Children continued to practice their sewing skills and created their own embroidery embellishments.
In Shared reading, we have continued reading our book ‘Narnia: The lion, the witch and the wardrobe’. We have practiced our summary and prediction skills.
In music this week, we have started a new topic called ‘fanfare for the common man’. The children have learnt different songs in this first lesson and practiced their singing skills.
Please make sure to continue reading 5 times a week and playing on TTRS for a minimum of 5 minutes a time, 5 times a week.
Please find attached the newsletter and homework map for Spring 2.
-Homework map Spr 2.docx-
-Newsletter Spr 2-V446917685.docx-
Have a lovely weekend.