Reception Spring 2 Week 1
Miss Skelton - 26 Feb 2025
A fun first week back in Reception!
It has been lovely hearing all about what the children did over the break! We started our week off with a visit from the year 5 children. They came as part of our new topic 'One Upon a Time'. We read lots of different fairytales and spoke about which ones are our favourites.
This week we have been focusing on Goldilocks and The Three Bears. We read the story and roleplayed the different parts using masks. We then tried really hard to write our own versions of the story. The children wrote some amazing sentences and prodcued some lovely work!
This morning we made and got to try our own porridge. We had lots of different toppings to choose from such as Strawberries, Blackberries, Blueberries and Banana.
In Maths we have been looking at more than and fewer than and also ordering size.