Miss Pillai - 17 Jan 2025
In English this week, we have been carrying on with our diary topic. We have practiced two new skills: time adverbials and past progressive tense. We have also have done a hot seating activity, children were asked to come up with questions they would like to ask the main character in the book ‘Flotsam’. They then took a seat, played the role as the boy, and answered these questions using their imagination/inference skills.
In shared reading, we have carried on reading ‘The lion, the witch and the wardrobe’. The children have used their vocabulary, inference and retrieval skills this week to complete different activities.
In art this week, the children created their own butterfly prints. They were each given different butterfly design from which they chose and designed their own print using pipe cleaners and a piece of cardboard. They worked really well this lesson and produced some beautiful prints.
In history this week, we created our own timeline of what happened in 1066. There were different dates placed around the classroom. Children then had to match the correct dates in order and add it into a timeline.
In science, we learnt about vibrations and how they travel from a medium to the ear. We made string phones using different materials of cups and different length of strings. They then compared with their peers to find out which one was the best.
In maths, we have carried on without multiplication and division topic. We have learnt how to times a 2 digit number with 1, dividing with 10 and 100. Please make sure you at practicing at home. I have sent home homework to practice 2 digit number multiplied with a 1 digit number
In music, we have started our new topic ‘the doot doot song’. We had a listen of the song and children learnt the chorus and sung along. We also used glockenspiels to practice the different notes.
Please make sure to continue reading 5 times a week and playing on TTRS for a minimum of 5 minutes a time, 5 times a week.
Have a lovely weekend.