Miss pillai - 13 Dec 2024
Well done year 4 for a brilliant week at school!
We have been continuing our times table practice this week by using TTRS. The children have been set the challenge of answering each question in under 5 seconds.
In English, we have been planning a non chronological report, which we will be writing next week, about teeth - we have had fun making replicas of our teeth using playdoh. The children have had a Dentist visit, which helped us gather lots of information. Next week, we will be writing our first draft and editing this.
In science, we looked at food chains and created some food chains outside by being different animals.
In DT, we had a great time making healthy cereal choices and made our own one (and tried it)!
We have worked hard to perfect our Christmas Concert and it was lovely to see so many of you in the audience! Just a reminder that we will be performing again on Monday at 9:30.
Please continue to practice on TTRS at home for at least 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Please also do this with reading, and writing this in their reading record.
We have one week left before our Christmas holidays and we have lots of fun things planned before we break up!