Miss Pillai - 06 Dec 2024
In Maths this week we have finished our multiplication and division topic. The children have also completed their end of topic assessment.
In English this week, the children have written their final draft of a setting description of Lizard street from Krindlekrax. It has been amazing to read their wonderful setting descriptions!
In Shared reading this week we have carried on reading Krindlekrax and sadly one of the characters have died ( Corky). We discussed about this in class and had a conversation about what happened in the last few chapters we had read. We also had a practice of assessment style questions based on our book.
In science this week, we have researched animal faeces and children have identified if it was from a herbivore, omnivore or a carnivore. The children went around the class examining the different faeces and identifying what animal it was from! The poo was made from a mixture of flour, cocoa powder and oil. This was a lot of fun!
In DT this week the children made their own packaging designs. We had a look at different packaging and how it was constructed. Children then were given paper templates that they had to cut out and build with their own design.
In music this week, we have started our new topic ‘Ripple’. Children used instruments (glockenspiels) to play the notes C-A and we also had a sing along to the notes. We discussed how the song makes us feel and why.
On 10
th December we have an exciting visit! We have specialist dentists coming in to have a talk with the children all about teeth and how to keep them healthy. They have been sent home with a pack of information and some toothbrushes/ toothpaste!
Have a lovely weekend, ensure you carry on with your TTRS and reading!