Year 3S - Miss Sardar Class News

Class News

WC 25/11/24

Ms Kintu - 28 Nov 2024

The children have completed their assessments this week with great perseverance and effort! Due to assessment week we paused our learning in English and will continue this next week.


We started our week of maths learning by multiplying and dividing using our 2s and 5s times tables. We then began applying knowledge of our 3 times tables in order to solve division problems by both grouping and sharing. Next week will introduce multiplication and division of 4s and 8s. 


In Geography this week we recapped our understanding of continents before looking closer at Europe, its countries and capital cities. Children successfully used an atlas to locate major cities across Europe and enjoyed sharing their experiences of visiting various European countries. 


This week's science learning lent itself to another experiment. After learning about light from the sun and ways we can protect ourselves from any dangers, we used UV beads and investigated the effect of the sun on these with and without protection. Children were astonished to see how quickly the beads changed colour when exposed to sunlight, and equally impressed by the results following the introduction of a variable... sun cream!


As we have completed our Art learning for this term, we began DT this week by discussing healthy eating. We looked at the five main food groups alongside the eatwell guide and discussed the importance of a balanced, healthy diet. Children then sorted a number of







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Parental Consultations on Wednesday 26th March, 2025. Children do not attend school.
School will finish early on Friday 4th April. Children go home at 1:15pm.
Easter holidays: Monday 7th April - Monday 21st April inclusive.
Children return to school on Tuesday 22nd April.

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