Miss Pillai - 08 Nov 2024
Well done year 4 for a fantastic first week back after half term.
This week, we have started our new core text called ‘Krindlekrax’ by Philip Ridley. We have begun our shared reading by learning more about our main character, Ruskin, and his dream to play the part of the hero in his school play. We have focused on our prediction, retrieval and inference skills.
In English, we have started our learning for our new piece of writing, persuasive letters. We begun our topic by becoming persuasive sales people, trying to convince the class that they should by our item. We have developed our two key skills; cause/ effect conjunctions and fact/ opinion, as well as looking at a WAGOLL to see a good example of a persuasive letter.
In maths, we have started, and finished, our topic of area. We have looked at counting the area of different shapes as well as comparing different areas.
We have started our new topic this half term called ‘Burps, Bottoms and Bile’ which is all about the digestive system and our mouths. We have kicked off this topic by showing a visual representation of the journey our food makes from the moment it enters our body to the moment it leaves.
We have had an enjoyable afternoon making poppies this week for remembrance Sunday which will be displayed around the school and in our classroom.
Please be aware that parent consultations will take place Wednesday 13th November, this is an inset day for all children. If you have not already done so, please ensure you book a slot to speak to your child’s class teacher.
Reminder: Thursday 14th November, children will be asked to design the layout of the digestive system and draw this on a white/ pale coloured t-shirt/ polo. Children will be able to take this back home with them but the fabric markers will not come out so please ensure this is not a favourite top that is worn all the time! Tops can be brought into school any time between now and Thursday morning, if there are any issues with bringing in a top of this activity, please speak to your class teacher about this prior to Thursday to ensure it can be sorted in time.
As always, please ensure children are reading their levelled book at home, to an adult, 5 times a week – this needs to be recorded in the child’s reading record. Please also ensure children have access to TTRS at home and can play on this for 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.
Have a lovely weekend!