Reception Autumn 1 Week 6
Miss Skelton - 09 Oct 2024
This week, we have enjoyed role-playing doctors and nurses in our hospital/ doctor's surgery set-up. The children have been acting as patients, doctors, nurses and paramedics to bandage up poorly teddies and broken bones! We have enjoyed playing percussion instruments and singing along to familiar songs and nursery rhymes.
The children enjoyed going on a number hunt in the garden to consolidate our learning of numbers 1-5, which we have focused on in maths this week. Later in the week, we will be using different fruits and vegetables to stamp ABAB and ABBABB patterns using paint.
As part of our topic 'Me and My Community', we had an amazing visit from a real life fireman who is also a lovely parent here at Brady! We asked him lots of questions about his very important job. He showed us how he keeps safe and Mrs Moseley even tried some of his protective clothing on! A very big thank you to Leo's daddy for coming to visit us!
We are looking forward to seeing you all at our phonics workshop in the hall later today (9th Oct). This will be at 2:45pm and will be a great opportunity to understand how we teach phonics at Brady and how best to support your child at home.
A reminder that there is an Oral Hygiene visit from a lovely parent at Brady who is also a Dentist. Letters were sent home about this visit- parents are welcome to and encouraged to come! This will take place on Monday 14th Oct, 2-3pm in the hall.
The Reception Team