Year 3S - Miss Sardar Class News

Class News

WC 30/10/24

Ms Kintu - 04 Oct 2024

In English this week we completed a setting descripition based on a scene in the book 'Stone age boy'. Next week we are looking at features of a diary in preparation for diary entry writing the following week.

In maths this week we started the addition and subtraction unit and we have been adding and subtracting 1s and 10s. Next week we will be adding and subtracting 100s. 

In science the children looked at different skeletons. They looked at the endoskeleton, exoskeleton and hydrostatic skeleton. We discussed what they meant and then categorised animals into the correct column. 

This week in history we discussed why the bronze age ended and debated on which theory was most accurate. 

This term in music children have been listening to the song 'I've been to Harlem' and have recently been introduced to 'Tongo'. After exploring different levels of pitch, we used our bodies to support our understanding of ryhthm which helped us to carefully follow the melody. This week they recorded their call and response of the song 'Tongo' in groups. 

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