Year 4P - Miss Pillai Class News

Class News


Miss Pillai - 27 Sep 2024

 Well done Year 4 for completing another week!

In Shared Reading, we have continued reading the 'Firework maker's daughter'. They have been left on a cliff-hanger on chapter 4 and have made a prediction what they think will happen next.

In English we have started a new topic on 'writing instructions'. Children were asked to give instructions on how to make a butter and jam sandwich, they learnt how to give clear instructions effectively. We have also been learning the key skills : fronted adverbials and pronouns. They will be using these in their final write at the end of the instructions topic. 

In maths this week, we have been finishing up on our 'place value' topic. They have been working on rounding to the nearest 10,100 and 1,000. We have also been learning roman numerals this week.

In science this week, we have done a 'melting' experiment, learning about the changes of state. They have learnt how particles change when heat is involved and what happens. 

In history this week, the children have acted out a transcript explaining the Anglo- Saxon invasion. They listened to the recording and then worked as a table to act it out. 
Have a lovely weekend.

Please note:
  • Spelling tests have gone home with children today, they have gone home with new spellings and these can also be accessed below.
  • If you are able to, we are asking for each year 4 child to bring in an old cereal box next week to be made into a Roman shield. Any extras you have at home would also be greatly appreciated for any children who do not have this at home to bring in. Please could we ask for this to come in by Wednesday.






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