WC 16/09/24
Ms Kintu - 20 Sep 2024
This week we had a very special visit from Paralympian swimmer and gold medalist, Ellie Challis! Our assembly had a focus around goal setting, and so the children were very excited to have the opportunity to share some questions they had with Ellie about how she reached her goals. How lovely it was for them to get a little insight into the life of a Paralympic swimmer, and to get a class photo too!
We started our week planning our instructions for ‘How to wash a woolly mammoth’. Children enjoyed engaging in the story book and used this as inspiration to write their own instructions. Next week we will start to look at setting descriptions from the book ‘Stone Age boy’.
We are still working on our Place Value unit focusing on numbers to 1000. Children have been placing numbers on a number line to 1000, as well as finding 1 more/less, 10 more/less and 100 more/less within 1000.
This week we recapped the bones in our body and we had fun labelling a volunteer student in our class. We also used gloves and straws to make up the structure of our bones in our hand, discussing the functions of our skeleton and what would happen if we didn’t have one!
After being introduced to the Stone Age, we began to look at life in the Bronze Age. We looked at metal and how different materials imporved life in the Bronze Age. The children made a poster demonstrating their knowledge of ores, copper and bronze.
Next week we have quite a busy Thursday! Children will be going on a school trip to a church in the morning, and will be back in time for lunch and PE in the afternoon. The school disco is now on Thursday next week

and so we encourage children to come to school in their PE kits and pack a change of clothes in their bag for the school disco.