Reception Autumn 1 week 3
Miss Skelton, Mrs Degun and Mrs Moseley - 20 Sep 2024
Hello! This week the children have been getting used to doing full days in Reception, although they have been tired at times they have been super at staying focused and following the expectations in school.
We have been continuing our learning of "Me and My Community" and earlier in the week had a visit from Mr Nunn & Mrs Franklyn who told us some of their roles in the school. We went on a walk around the school to familiarise ourselves and said hello to some of the older children and other teachers.
We also had a visit from a policeman! PC Hoodless from the City of London Police joined us for the afternoon. He came along in his uniform and helmet to show us. We asked him questions about his role as a policeman and he explained what he does to keep the local community safe! He even spoke about how he drives a police car sometimes!
In maths we have been singing number songs and practicing how to form our numerals. We have been counting accurately. Our phonics groups have started this week and will continue as they are up until October half term, when the groups will be looked at and changed if necessary.
Next Weds (25th) is our school disco. It is 3:30-4:30 so your class teacher will take them to the dicso (there is no need to pick them up at 3:15 unless they are not attending). As it is also PE day, for this day only children can come in their "disco clothes" but please wear trainers so they can still take part in PE.
A reminder to please label all items of uniform as there are items beginning to collect in the lost property box. This is located in a brown box by the entrance to school office.