Year 3S - Miss Sardar Class News

Class News

WC 09/09/24

Ms Kintu - 13 Sep 2024

Welcome back! 

All children have settled in well and we are all looking forward to an exciting year ahead. 

This week in English the children have been learning about instructions. We have identified the features of instructions and successfully made a jam sanwich. Next week we will start planning our instructions on 'How to wash a wooly mammoth'. 

We have started our Place Value unit focusing on numbers to 1000. 

This term the children will be looking at the human skeleton. This week the children learnt the names of the bones in the body and next week we will be learning about what would happen if we didn't have a skeleton! 

We are learning about the Stone Age and how it compares with life today. 

We are sending home logins for TTRS and Boom reader. Children should be reading and completing timestables 5x a week. Levelled books won't be changed unless children are fluent in their reading. We are no longer using spelling shed however children will have opportunities in school to practice their spellings and the words of the week will be sent home each Friday.

PE is on a Thursday, please wear weather appropriate clothing and please ensure all personal items are labelled. 




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Parental Consultations on Wednesday 26th March, 2025. Children do not attend school.
School will finish early on Friday 4th April. Children go home at 1:15pm.
Easter holidays: Monday 7th April - Monday 21st April inclusive.
Children return to school on Tuesday 22nd April.

(Please note, post, emails and voicemail messages are not monitored over holiday periods.)
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