Year 2S - Miss Stevens Class News

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Autumn 1 Week 2: 2S

Miss Stevens - 12 Sep 2024

Welcome back! The children have settled into year 2 really well and we are excited for the year ahead!


This week we have started a new book called Little People, Big Dreams: Neil Armstrong. The children have enjoyed discussing the facts about Neil's life and achievements. The children have been gathering information about Neil to prepare for writing a short biography about him next week. Phonics started up again this week, with children streaming across Key Stage 2 according to their phonics group. A letter has been sent out explaining the situation with reading books and reading records. Thank you for bearing with us whilst this is organised.


This week the children have been continuing to learn numbers within 100. They have been learning to partition numbers up to 100, and read and write them in numerals and digits. Below are some interactive games that can consolidate your child's understanding of numbers up to 100. If your child was still working towards the expected standard in Maths at the end of Year 1, you may want to focus on numbers up to 50 until they are confident.


In History this week, the children have been learning about what makes a person significant in history. We learned about 4 significant figures and the things they did that made them memorable - for good reasons and sometimes not so good reasons! In Science, the children have been introduced to their first topic which is Animals including Humans. The children will be learning about life cycles and what living creatures need to survive.









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