Year 2B - Miss Booth Class News

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Summer 2 Week 3

Miss Booth - 21 Jun 2024

A busy week in the end...


We have noticed that children are not regularly reading at home. The expectation is that children should have five entries for reading in their reading record every week. Just because children have finished phonics does not mean the reading should stop - on the contrary, this is just the beginning and where it gets challenging. 

Cake Sale
Your child should have come home with a letter about a Cake Sale we are holding in school. It would be wonderful if everyone could support this event as this is an event that our Pupil Parliament have wanted to do all year. We are happy to recieve all cakes (shop bought or made from home) providing they come with a full list of ingredients used. Cakes should be brought in on Monday 24th of June. The cake sale will take place on Tuesday 25th June.

If you do decide to make cakes at home - we'd love to see some pictures! 

Please do speak to Mr. Stephens if you have any questions.

The weekly spellings for this week are uploaded and follow the following spelling rule: Year 2 commonly misspelt words. When writing these words in a cursive style, children should not join the letters either side of the apostrophe. Think of it like a 'break' in the word.

Please continue to access Times Table Rockstars. The knowledge and fluency the app develops will be vital as children move up through the school.

We have begun to write a narrative.

We begun to use the maths system used in Key Stage 2. It has been successful so far.

This week we studied the human impact on habitats.

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Monday 15th April to Wednesday 24th July 2024

Thursday 4th July - Polling Day - school closed. Children do not attend.
Friday 12th July - INSET day. Children do not attend
Wednesday 24th July - last day of term. Children leave at 1:15pm

Please note, voicemail, emails and post are not monitored over holiday periods.
Children will return to scchool in September on Tuesday 3rd.

If your child is due to start Nursery or Reception in September 24 please do not register for the website until they have started, as approval for these accounts will not be done until then. Thank you.     

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