Reception Summer 1 Week 6
Mrs Divall and Miss Skelton - 23 May 2024
This week, despite the very rainy weather, we have had so much fun in Reception!
Every day we have focussed on a different artists and reproduced our own art, inspired by their pieces. We have really enjoyed using so many different kinds of media and materials.
In maths, we have been learning to add unknown quantities (ie. 6 + ? = 10) and the children have worked very hard to understand different strategies to do this. We can use our fingers, use multilink cubes, and impressively, we can also jump along numberlines too!
In literacy, we have been reading books linked to our topic. We have particularly enjoyed “My mum is a Lioness” and we have drawn and written about our own mummies.
In phonics, we have all been busy learning our sounds, spellings, reading our books and writing our sentences. We are really getting ready for Year 1 now 😊
We have also enjoyed playing with some pre-loved bikes – many of us can now ride without stabilisers. All of the children have really enjoyed working on this new skill, and the staff have definitely got their steps in! On top of this, we are learning to skip and play skipping rope games.
Many of the children have been talking excitedly about their plans for the holiday. Whatever you are up to, we hope you have a lovely week and can’t wait to hear all about it when we are back on Monday 3
rd June.
Remember – Tuesday 4
th June is our class trip
Remember – Thursday 6
th June is a staff INSET day and school is closed to pupils
Due to the unpredictable weather at the moment:
if it is rainy - send your child with a waterproof coat. We cannot stay inside all day on rainy days but some children are not provided with weather appropriate clothing.
If it is sunny - suncream your child and provide them with a hat :) (NO SUNGLASSES ALLOWED)
Thank you :)