Summer 1 Week 1
Miss Booth - 19 Apr 2024
Welcome back to school!
We have begun a new topic called 'Magnificent Monarchs' focusing on members of the Royal Family.
These are this week's notices:
- Key Stage 1 assessments will be taking place in late May.
- Children who need to resit their Year 1 phonics screening assessment will do so in June.
- PE will always take place on a Friday unless we tell you otherwise. This will usually be in the form of a text message.
The weekly spellings for this week are uploaded and follow the following spelling rule: Words where ‘si’ and ‘s’ make a /zh/ sound
This week we continued our fraction topic. We have calculated the whole when given one part, recognised the equivalence between a half and two quarters and have recognised three quarters.
This week we have been placing Britain's Kings and Queens in chronological order and have studied the periods of time we group the Kings and Queens into.
We have studied how to convert between the present and the past tense, as well as learning how to use third person pronouns when referring to another person in our writing. This will lead to us writing a detailed biography about King Charles III.