Year 2B - Miss Booth Class News

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Spring Term 1 Week 4

Miss Booth - 26 Jan 2024

We have had a busy week in school this week, culimating in the celebration of National Geographic Day.

These are this week's notices:
  • If you have not already done so, please send an empty shoe box in with your child so they can complete their art project for this half term. Any spare ones would be greatly appreciated. Additionally, if your child wants anything specific in their box, such as felt for grass or a small toy car then this can be sent in too.
  • Please complete and send in your reply slips for the Colchester Castle trip at your earliest convenience. Payments are to be made through Squid. If we do not recieve enough contribution to cover the cost of the visit then we will sadly have to cancel the trip. We have made almost all of our visits free for parents this year and have only planned two paid trips. It would be a shame if they could not go ahead.
  • Letters for parent volunteers for our Colchester Castle Visit will be going out shortly. These are not first come, first served. If we get more volunteers than is needed we will draw names randomly from a hat. 
  • If you would like to send in an old, over-sized t-shirt for when your child completes painting activities then you may. It must have your child's name written in the collar in a non-washable ink. We will only be sending these home to be washed at the end of every half term, if necessary. 
  • Class assembly scripts have been handed out ready for 2B class assembly on 27th Febuary at 9:15am. 

We studied Africa, we looked at the animals and created fact-files. The children listened to African music and played an African drum. 

We have started our block focusing on multiplication and division. This is probably the most important block for children to master in Year 2, as a deep understanding of these concepts will help children make fantastic progress throughout the rest of their mathematical education. To support your child's learning, please ensure they are regularly accessing Times Table Rockstars at home, and please monitor the speed at which they answer questions. A time of under six seconds per question is the expected standard.

We completed our setting description. We then revised some concepts before we start our new unit focusing on narratives.

We focused on the symbolism of the cross for Christians and the many meanings it has for people around the world.

We thought about how the offspring of animals are often similar to their parents but have differences. We discussed this by talking about genes and inherited characteristics. 


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Monday 15th April to Wednesday 24th July 2024

Friday 12th July - INSET day. Children do not attend.

Wednesday 24th July - last day of term. Children leave at 1:15pm

Please note, voicemail, emails and post are not monitored over holiday periods.

Children will return to school in September on Tuesday 3rd.

If your child is due to start Nursery or Reception in September 24 please do not register for the website until they have started, as approval for these accounts will not be done until then. Thank you.     

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