Autumn Term 2 Week 5
Miss Booth - 01 Dec 2023
This week we've had a road safety workshop in school and have begun to rehearse the Nativity. If your child has lines please continue to practise them at home.
As a follow up to our letter about the Nativity costumes, you are of course welcome to buy a costume for your child. Buying a costume and your child wearing the suggestion on the letter are both excellent options.
Next week is assessment week in school. We will be assessing children's reading comprehension, maths aritmetic, maths reasoning, spellings and grammar. At this stage in the year we are also using this week as an example of how to manage time, cope with challenging questions and follow written instructions. No undue or additional pressure is being put on the children.
The next spelling assessment on Spelling Shed is based on words that end in -il.
This week we have planned our setting description using expanded noun phrases and prepositional phrases.
This week we have studied the properties of 2D and 3D shapes.
This week we have designed a balanced meal and made a model of it using clay, paper and other craft resources.
- Next Friday (1st December) is a non-uniform day. There is no theme. All we ask is that children donate something blue for the FOB hamper collection. Ideas for this can be found outside the classroom on the 2S wall.
- Please send any cardboard boxes, tubes, foil etc into school if you have any spare. We will be using them to make models for our DT work towards the end of term.
- As a reminder, it is school expectation that each child reads five times a week with an adult at home, has this recorded in their reading record and that the reading record is in school every day. Sadly, we are already observing children falling behind in their fluency and comprehension as a result of low amounts of reading. School staff cannot help children catch up alone - it has to be a coordinated effort between home and school.