W/C 25.9.23
27 Sep 2023
In Maths this week the children have been continuing with their place value unit of work. They have been learning how to place numbers up to 1000 on a number line and compare and order numbers up to 1000. Below are some fun games your child can play for free to practise their place value knowledge.
In English this week, the children were introduced to a new text called Stone Age Boy. They will be using this text to write diary entries in role as the main character. This week the children have explored thoughts and feelings the boy may have during the story, and learned about expanded noun phrases.
In history the children have moved on from the Stone Age and are now learning about the Bronze Age! They looked at artefacts from the past and used them to answer questions about life in the Stone Age. In Science, they learned about skeletons and the different types of skeletons that belong to different animals. They also discussed the advantages and disadvantages of the different types of skeleton.