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A special visit from Bobby Blue.....

Miss Kelly - 16 Oct 2020


We have had a super busy week in Nursery this week as we have been learning and singing the Nursery Rhymes ‘Hey Diddle Diddle’ and ‘5 in the bed’. We have had lots of fun making sounds using our hands, knees and feet and exploring fast and slow sounds. This week we had a special guest meet us, he is called Bobby Blue. Bobby Blue can be a little bit cheeky and only likes to play with toys that are the colour blue. We have been sorting out Bobby Blue and Red Robin’s toys as they got into a little bit of a mess with them.

This week you should have had a letter with an online code for your child for a website called ‘Seesaw’. Seesaw is our online platform which we will use to set homework activities and online based learning in the event that your child would have to self-isolate and would be absent. The first activity has already been uploaded so please use the instructions to have a look!

Next week is Walk to School week, so if you can please walk to school! 😊

Kind Hands
We have spoken a lot this week about children using their kind hands and kind feet whilst they are at Nursery and to tell an adult if something happens that makes them sad. Please encourage your child to use their kind hands and kind feet and talk to an adult if they become sad.

Polite Reminder-
Due to our school’s staggered drop off and pick up times, please ensure that you are dropping and collecting your child at the correct time. If your child has a sibling in the school, you can drop them to school between 9.05-9.15am and collect them between 3.10-3.25pm.
If your child doesn’t have a sibling within the school, please drop them off at 8:30am/12:30pm and collect them between 11:20-11:30am/3:20-3:30pm.

Please have a look at our pictures for this week!








Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Kelly & The Nursery Team x
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