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Miss Burgess Update 10/06/22

10 Jun 2022

 Welcome Back!

We have had a wonderful first week back in the Nursery.

As it is Science Week at Brady, we have been learning all about a scientist called Daphne Sheldrick and her amazing work with saving elephants. We have also spoken lots about healthy and unhealthy food choices as we begin our learning about our new topic, ‘Ourselves and Being Healthy.’

In phonics, we started learning the sound ‘f’ and ‘b’– the children loved the idea that we had two new sounds and we have been focusing on applying the knowledge to sorting words that start with either the ‘b’ or ‘f’ sound.

In maths we have been counting to 20 every day and have been working hard on number recognition and being able to write the different numbers.

Please find attached the updated information for our final term:

  -Brady Nursery- Summer 2 Information and Homework Map.pdf-  

Finally, we have created some wonderful elephant art work to display in our class.

Have a wonderful weekend and have a look through the wonderful pictures below.
Miss Burgess 😊  





















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