Nursery - Mrs Divall Class News

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Miss Burgess Update 10/12

10 Dec 2021

This week in Nursery, we have jumped into the festive season! The children loved our Christmas Jumper Day and have enjoyed recording our songs for you to see as part of our Nativity.

In maths this week, we have focused on comparing different amounts and using the words; more and less. The children enjoyed comparing the amounts and investigating which group would be bigger. Alongside this, we have been focusing on careful counting when comparing the groups to ensure we don’t count a number twice.

We have been singing lots of Christmas songs, which I am sure you will also be hearing at home and have worked this week on our cutting skills and some fine motor control with carefully painting lots of Christmas crafts.

Reminders and Information:
Next week will be our last week in Nursery. Our last day of school is Thursday 16th December.
Nursery will be having two class parties to ensure that every child has the opportunity to attend, these will be;
Tuesday 14th December – AM session
Thursday 16th December- PM session
Please send in one party food item per child. These can be brought in from Monday 13th December. Some examples include:
  • Crisps
  • Cupcakes
  • Fresh items e.g. cooked sausage rolls
  • Biscuits
  • Chocolate fingers/party rings
  • Fruit shoots/ capri-suns
Enjoy looking over the photos below and have a lovely weekend 😊














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