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I'm Stick Man...that's me!

Mrs Divall - 03 Dec 2015

This week we have been learning about Stick Man.  It’s been a hit with the children and they have all enjoyed the activities linked to this text.  We are counting the days to the Stick Man trip next Wednesday morning!
In maths we have been learning about measurement.  We have been ordering sticks and answering questions like ‘which sticks are longer than x?’  We have been using multilink cubes to measure plastic worms.  In the homework this week, you child will use paperclips to measure objects.
In phonics we have had whole class sessions practicing reading 3 letter words.  
We have been learning the songs and our stage actions for our nativity play.  We also had an amazing Spanish lesson where we learnt a Christmas Spanish song…thank you to the juniors for letting us have your Spanish slot we really enjoyed it!

Please remember to send in your child's costume by Monday 7th December. 
Also, that your child must wear warm clothes and a coat for our trip on Wednesday, and that they will need a packed lunch. 

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