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Reception Newsletter

Mrs Divall and Mrs Zaayman - 17 Sep 2018

Dear Parents and Carers,
Thank you so much to each of you for making our Stay and Play sessions and Home Visits so purposeful and enjoyable.  We are very excited about teaching your children this year and they have already started to settle peacefully and confidently. If for any reason this is not the case, we promise to work with you to overcome any problems or worries.  Please read this newsletter carefully as there is lots of information included in it.
Our topics each week
17th Sept     We’re going on a Bear Hunt!
24th Sept     Autumn and the Forest
1st Oct         The Gruffalo
10th Oct       The House that wanted a family
17nd Oct      Superworm
Your child’s class teachers are Mrs Divall ( Monday- Wednesday) and Mrs Zaayman ( Thursday and Friday). Each day the class is supported by Mrs Agates and Miss Hunt ( who is not in on a Tuesday as she is training at College).  On a Tuesday afternoon we both plan together and so for the 2 hours after lunch your children will be taught by Mrs Nicholls with Mrs Agates and Mrs Massarella supporting her.
Essential things we need for our day:
Drink bottle: labelled with water (No fizzy or sugary drinks in class- you may choose to supply your child with squash or a juice etc. for lunch but this should be in a separate bottle for them to have a lunchtime).
Brady bookbag: for teachers to put letters and work in- the FOB have ordered these and they will be with you ASAP-in the meantime your child can bring any bag to help keep all their belongings together.
Welly boots: to stay at school in our Welly Boot hotel and a warm coat (or an all-in-one coat) on rainy and cold days!
Reading book: everyone will be given the opportunity to select a book from the Library- this may be a book that your child cannot read however, this is to instil a love of reading early on. Your child will also have a reading book that will be changed weekly (6 children will have their books changed daily- your child day will be written in their Reading Record).
Brady Homework:  Homework Maps will start in Reception after half term the expectations of this homework will be shared on the map when it is given out. There will also be weekly homework that will be given out on a Friday- this homework is for you to share in your child’s learning experience.
PE Kit: PE will be on a Friday afternoon please provide your child with a full PE kit that is clearly labelled for them to take part. Also f you child has pierced ears please do your best to remove their earrings on a Friday so that they do not have to have them covered.
School Trips
Friday 2nd October 9.30-12 – Thorndon Country Park - The Gruffalo Trail
There will be a detailed letter following this newsletter very soon.  We will be travelling to the park by private coach and will have a ratio of 1:4 adults to children.  If you would like to volunteer to help then please let either Mrs Divall or Mrs Zaayman know,
Class Bear
The class bear will go home with someone new each night with the expectation that it is returned each morning. Please write at least a couple of sentences about what you have gotten up to and please feel free to write more if you want.
What do I need to do each week?
Make sure you read at least 3 times a week with your child, either a home book, reading book or library book.  You must sign their reading record (with the penguin/monkey on it) three times a week.  You need to support your child to complete the compulsory homework each week that will be sent out on a Friday You need to read all of the correspondence from school, some weeks get very busy with everything from trips out to special school lunches!
Kind Regards, 
Mrs Divall, Mrs Zaayman & the Reception Team.

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