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Class Update 2
13 Nov 2020
This term children will be practising a sentence aloud and writing it using a capital at the start of a sentence and full stop at the end.
Children will have daily phonics session to develop their decoding skills for reading.
We will be focusing on number recognition, place value and addition and subtraction.
Weekly English and maths homework will be sent home via Seesaw every Friday for children to practice.
Each child also has a Numbots login stuck into the front inside cover of their reading record. It is a progression website so the more your child logs on and completes activities in the required time other activities will then be released.
P.E. continues to be will on Wednesdays mornings. Can you ensure children avoid wearing any jewellery on this day. Every child is expected to participate in P.E, if for any reason they do not a written note is expected.
Children must come to school wearing their P.E Kit.
Correct Kit consists of:
Blue Brady logo T-shirt
Navy shorts
Black plimsolls or trainers (no high tops)
Black or grey or white socks
A plain blue, black or grey tracksuit – with no large logos or slogans.
Please label all items of clothing including plimsolls as this will avoid items being lost.
How can you help?
Listening and asking your child questions about their reading is the best support you can give your child during their school year. Children are expected to read 4-5 times a week. This will also ensure they meet the threshold for reading rewards and develop their reading fluency.
If you can take a few moments to discuss the book, this will help your child to develop their comprehension skills.
Please ensure your child brings their reading record and reading book on a Friday to school.
Reading and writing numerals and numbers in words. Regularly practising number bonds to 20 and counting one more and less. Logging into Numbots
Helping your child practise words sent home and red words and revisiting previous words are all great ways to support your child with their learning outside of school as it will consolidate their learning in class.
Please label all items of clothing your child brings into school as this will help to return the items to their correct owner and therefore less lost property. As well as drink and lunch boxes.
Collection at the end of the day
I will dismiss each child individually once I have personally seen you or the adult collecting your child. Please ensure all adults collecting your child are aware of this procedure. This helps me recognise you and adults associated with your child. If another adult is collecting your child please notify the school, your child’s safety is of paramount importance to us.
If you have any queries or concerns then please do speak to me at the end of the school day once all children have been collected.
Kind regards
Ms Kaur