Year 6L - Miss Line Class News

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Year 6 Week 4

Miss Line - 23 Nov 2018

Thank you to all the parents who came to our class assembly this week. We enjoyed sharing our learning with you! 


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This week in maths we have been looking at translations and reflections. We have been continuing to practise drawing shapes using coordinates accurately.  




In Literacy, we have been looking at biographies and over the next few weeks we will be writing biographies about some of the important people we have learnt about in our topic.  



We have been researching the life of Mary Anning and have been creating timelines of events from her life.  We will use this information to create a biography in Literacy. 

Last week we held our shared learning afternoon. Thank you to all parents who came. We used the results from our experiment to find out more about Darwins’s theory of Natural selection.  


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 Next week will be assessment week! 
Keep practising Maths, Grammar, Spelling and Reading. 

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